Senin, 25 Februari 2013

Cintai sesamamu, Cintai lingkunganmu!!

Di penghujung bulan Februari, di awal bulan Maret, rubrik DYK kali ini akan mengkombinasikan keduanya. Nuansa background yang pink tidak serta merta menyangkut hanya pada Valentine. Ornamen-ornamen Imlek pun berusaha ditampilkan.

Namun, untuk rubrik DYK ini tidak akan membahas valentine atau imlek seperti yang telah dibicarakan sebelumnya! Kita akan bahas masa Depan!!


Setelah bulan Februari yang dipenuhi cinta dan coklat, kini saatnya para cowok untuk membalas pemberian itu yang terkenal dengan nama WHITE DAY atau HARI PUTIH. Tradisi yang muncul dari negeri Sakura, Jepang, yang kini telah mendunia bahkan masuk ke dalam Indonesia pula!

Selain itu, ditengah gegap gempita keceriaan cinta yang menggebu, kita masih harus diingatkan untuk perduli pada lingkungan. Kenapa? Karena kita tidak akan bisa berbuat apa-apa jika lingkungan tidak mendukung.

Masih ingat banjir besar yang melanda Jakarta bulan Januari lalu? Jelas! Tangerang pun tak luput dari banjir. Maka, dibulan Maret ini, bertepatan di bulan diadakannya HARI AIR SEDUNIA, kami para kontributor mengajak seluruh mahasiswa STBA bahkan seluruh mahasiswa BUDDHI untuk dapat ikut menjaga nilai-nilai air yang sangat berharga.

Caranya bagaimana? Simple, jangan buang-buang air percuma! Atau cara lain? Silahkan lihat di mading kampus edisi kali ini.

Oke, sekian korek-korek dan curcol editor mengenai isi dari DYK kali ini. Siapa yang mempunyai ide untuk DYK bulan-bulan berikutnya? Let's sharee your opinion!! :D

Second Edition!!

Hey Guys...
Second edition of BOS already released!!!

Last Saturday, Februari 23th, 2013.

1. Profile of the Weeks.

We are already wrote an article about our Chairman of Senate STBA. You can see our article in here. The winner of the quizz too.

2. Culture Review.

We give you a suggestion Book and Movie.

3. Do You Know.

We combine our topics, Valentine, Imlek and White day! Yeay!!

4. Literature Corner.

We have two poems from our volunteer. Angel and Sukandi!

5. What's on STBA

We have some of events next month!

So, don't miss it!
See our magazine on D building 4th Floor, in front of Senate Room.

See you there.. ^^

P.O.W !! (First Edition)

Hey, guys..
Have you read the first edition of BOS??
Anyway, do you still not know what BOS is? BOS is acronym for 'Board of STBA'. For the first edition, we took someone’s profile that already existed on STBA senate from his first semester.

Before showing you the profile, let’s recap previous clues.
  • He is a senate member.
  • He wears glasses.
  • He is now in 5th semester of STBA Buddhi.

Okay, we will reveal the answer.
Our profile for the first edition is.... DENNY AGUSTIAN!!

Do you know him?
He is a student of STBA Buddhi and a chairman of Senate STBA Buddhi for period 2012-2013!

On January 15th, 2013, we have finished interviewing him.
We asked 7 questions to him which have been answered nicely.
Wondering about it? Let's check it out!

  1. Could you describe yourself?
Myself? Actually, if describing about myself it is similar with narcissistic. Everybody told me that I am quite honest, responsible, kind, and humorous. I don't like being angry to another person.

  1. When did you join to STBA Senate?
I joined at the first semester of course, in 2010.

  1. Why were you interested to be a Senate Member?
Actually, for the first time I didn't like to be a senate member because I had a lot of activities. I felt quite hard to manage my time, among my jobs, my college and my religious activities. But, I like having and doing many activities in my life, to be an active person. I also wanted to be full responsible.

  1. What lessons that you take by being a Senate Member?
Of course, I take many lessons. I can practice my leadership, improve my attitude to be a leader – act as a good leader – practice my management skill in a real organization, improve myself to be a better individual, and make friendship with many people in different characteristics.

  1. How to coordinate your senate team?
Actually, I use the technology. For example, by SMS, by BBM and I have members who are responsible for delivering any information to all STBA Senate members. They are more active than me, for example Grace, Febri, and Angel. By communicating one another I can know the latest information, so that, I can know every activity in my organization and co-operate with other members.

  1. What is your big dream for STBA, especially for the Senate STBA under your leadership?
Yeah, the organization can be called good organization when every person in the organization structure feel enjoy to do their job. I hope this organization can train each member to be more responsible. I wish I can hold a big event like STBA Festival. But, that event still needs more information and co-ordination from many parties.

Okay, last question koko..(elder brother)

  1. Do you have suggestions to be a Senate Member or a Senate Leader?
Yeah, actually we just need the liveliness of every person. Join in every Senate or STBA event, so we can meet often one another. Knowing one another

Okay, that's our entire interview with Denny Agustian the Senate Leader. Do you want to be like him? Please, be active in every event from STBA Senate. How? Do you get more inspirations from him? Good...

Now, we will announce the winner of the quiz...
We have one lucky person who will get souvenir from us. Who is it?? 

She is the fifth Semester... The winner is...

Congratulations for you... You get a souvenir from us.
For other readers, don't worry... We still have more souvenirs for you. You only need answer the quiz and criiing... The cute souvenir will come to you..

Okay, thank you for your attention and participation. Wait for next quiz and make sure that you will join the quizz! Okay.. :)